Green cave Three Caves Tour visited attraction
Green cave, Ravnik islet

Due to its geomorphological characteristics this area has been given the status of a ''protected area of the Republic of Croatia''. The name ''Green cave'' comes from the green glimmer of the sea, which is a consequence of a multitude of green algae that reside on the bottom at the cave entrance. An opening in the ceiling of the cave which lets the sunlight through only adds to its attractivity. A strong pillar of sunlight and the green color of the sea have a magical effect on one another when they fuse together. In the forward section of the cave a massive pillar of solid rock divides this part of the cave in two, thus making two large entrances. The right entrance is wider than the left. The cave is spacious and is easily accessible so it makes for a good shelter for smaller boats.

In order to get the impression of the complete beauty and to feel the unique natural ambience of the Green cave , you need to visit it in the part of the day when it is not crowded by tourists. Only then is it possible to take its original colour, sound and smell with you. Because of this we recommend you to take our Three Caves Tour and experience its beauty the only appropriate way. Unfortunately, visiting in time of tourist congestions and with many boats in it represents nothing but a waste of time, because more often than not anarchic behaviour rules inside and in front of the cave.

This implies the impossibility of safe swimming in and in front of the cave, mostly due to numerous vessels entering and exiting the cave with engines and loud music on. Dangerous jumping off the cave ceeling is popular and is done daily with the risk of heavy injury. During big crowds you just have to be concentrated on what is happening around you so you completely miss out on the impression of a beautiful cave.

Source: Ilirio's